Yeastie Boys – Her Majesty 2010

Aww mum you’re just jealous; It’s the YEA-STIE BOYS.

The Basics

Bruce Lee famously said “Don’t get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water”. While this beer is nothing at all like water in a taste sense, it is a hard one to pin a style on.  According to the bottle, “Some might call this Dubbel Bruin or a Belgium Dark Strong Ale but it really just is what it is”. After drinking a bottle, I’m not really sure what it is either, but if that’s good enough for Bruce Lee, then it’s good enough for me.

This one comes in a 750ml bottle and is 7.5%. So it’s big and strong, much like Robert Baker in Fist of Fury (ok last Bruce Lee reference I promise). I picked it up at Purvis Cellars in Richmond, Melbourne. I think it’s pretty tricky to get your hands on a bottle in Australia, but it’s widely distributed in NZ.

How does it look?

Finally a design that I really love. It’s simple white text on black background, with a dark brown bottle. It looks serious, but somehow refined. It’s almost confident in the sense that it doesn’t go out of it’s way to get your attention even though the name “Yeastie Boys” is pretty gimmicky (says “Ale of a Time”). Plus, lets face it, the Beastie Boys are great.

As for the beer itself, it pours black with a lovely cream coloured head that lingers in the glass for the entire beer.

How does it taste?

This is pretty simple on the initial taste. Nothing too challenging in the aroma either. However, it has quite a refreshing initial aftertaste that lingers for a while. It’s not too overpowering and it’s not bitter at all. It’s almost surprisingly crisp, slightly fruity and there is a little caramel going on.

It’s a really interesting beer. The bottle I shared with Lady Ale was definitely not enough to allow me to get a complete handle on everything. It’s not loaded with flavour but it’s still very complex and I regret not getting a second bottle ( for research purposes of course.).

To be honest, I think people will get different things out of this beer. Personally I would have like a little more flavour, but I still really enjoyed it; so maybe I didn’t want more flavour, maybe it’s note perfect. I guess I’ll have to come back when I get another bottle and give this review a remix.

When should I drink it?

From what I understand, this one was dedicated to their wives. It comes in a big bottle and tomorrow is Valentine’s day… so share this with a loved one. Everyone will find something they’ll like and you may know someone who doesn’t think they like beer, so get yourself some quiet time, and pour a glass each. Just make sure you get more than one bottle.


Well as I said, this left me a little confused, but it’s not a bad thing by any means. It’s a really interesting beer and one that I’ll definitely drink again. I love the confidence that the beer has. A small brewery that brews beer without a clear style plastered on the front is a big risk, and I imagine it was the topic of much discussion; but it works. It works well.

I rate it… (where to go with this one, a Bruce Lee reference or a Beastie Boys reference?); 3 Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris “Way of the Dragon” fights, and 1 Right to party (uh oh, both!)

Editors Note: I know I broke my promise about the Bruce Lee/Robert Baker reference being my last. Deal with it.

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