We spoke to Michael Fairbrother from Moonlight Meadery, and spoke all things mead, how it’s made, a short history and even got a great insight into the future of meads. In addition, we got to taste a sample of the range. Our reactions are genuine and we were both fairly surprised about how delicious the meads were.
Find it in iTunes (subscribe if the feed is yet to update)
Their website:
You can find their meads through their importer Calibre Beer:
Moonlight is on twitter here:
And Facebook here:
Michael was here for the Australian National Homebrewers Conference in Canberra:
He used to be president of Brew Free or Die; New Hampshire’s oldest homebrew club.
We mention Vinnie Cilurzo from Russian River:
We also mentioned Schramm’s Mead:
Our theme music is from Toehider:
You can contact us by emailing luke or dave – both firstname @aleofatime.com
Our Facebook is:
And on twitter: